ARTIFESA S.L. is a company founded in 1977 that began manufacturing double-hinged hinges and fixed windows (nowadays the latter are no longer manufactured). It currently manufactures an extensive range of hardware, hardware and locks.
Having a workshop of own matriceria, the variety of manufactured products has been increasing until reaching the current range, constantly incorporating new features in the catalog.
We design, manufacture molds and dies, and carry out all production in our facilities. This allows us to put a lot of attention both in quality control of the product and in customer service, characteristics that define us and have accompanied us during ours 40 years of experience.
Among our products we highlight: rustic style handles and knobs, decorative nails, hinges of all types and sizes, pins, bolts, hinges and legs …
We have a series of products in stainless steel AISI-316.
We also offer the articles presented in blister, with their corresponding screws, suitable to the self-service linear.